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|D|A|M|N|         Syntax Description                                 |D|A|M|N|
AEVAL()           Undocumented return reference.                     |D| | | |
ALERT()           Miscellaneous Comments                             |D| | |*|
APPEND FROM       Append From Delimited with Character Numbers.      | |A| | |
ATAIL()           Miscellaneous comment.                             | | |M| |
BOF()             Set to .T. on LastRec() + 1 access.                | |A| | |
BREAK/RECOVER     May not return code block.                         | |A| | |
Browse:footSep    Documentation ommission.                           |D| | | |
CLD               Debugger anomalies.                                | |A| | |
COL()             COL() returns 0 after MENU TO.                     | | |M| |
CLOSE DATABASES   Does not change current work area.                 | | |M|*|
CLOSE-UP          Problem with CLOSE-UP remote operation.            | | |M| |
COMMAND.COM       Clipper in a batch file with DOS 5.0.              | | |M|*|
COMPILER          Miscellaneous observations.                        |D| |M| |
DBCREATEIND()     Requires <bKeyExpr> parameter.                     |D| | | |
DBEDIT()*         Locks up with return value of 2.                   | |A| | |
DBF FILES         Assure proper closing.                             | | |M| |
DBU               Locks up with empty file.                          |D| | | |
Division by Zero  Results in zero.                                   | | |M| |
DOS 5.0           Using PLL's with DOS 5.0.                          | | |M| |
DOS ERROR 4       Encountered on a network.                          | | |M| |
FIELDBLOCK()      Does not return NIL for invalid cFieldName         |D| | | |
FIELDWBLOCK()     Does not return NIL for invalid cFieldName         |D| | | |
FOR..NEXT..STEP   Use Integers.                                      | | |M|*|
ERRORSYS.PRG      Not compatible with S'87.                          | | |M| |
Get:Delete()      Documentation omission.                            |D| | | |
Get:Subscript()   Works the same on any dimension array.             |D| | | |
INTERNAL ERRORS   No documentation. See User-upload, CL5IEn.ZIP      |D| | | |
JOIN              FIELDS statement required for secondary fields.    | | |M| |
LOCAL             Inline assignment clarification.                   | | |M| |
Macro Compiler    Unacceptable codeblock contents.                   |D| | | |
MISC              Miscellaneous clarification/anomalies.             | | |M|*|
MEMORY()          Memory(3) and (4) undocumented.                    | | |M| |
MEMOLINE()        Minimum <nLineLength> is 1.                        |D| | | |
MLCOUNT()         Minimum <nLineLength> is 1.                        |D| | | |
MLCTOPOS()        Position reporting error.                          | |A| | |
MLPOS()           Position reporting error.                          | |A| | |
MPOSTOLC()        Position reporting error.                          | |A| | |
MULTI-STATEMENT   Multi-statement lines, CAUTION.                    | | |M| |
NETWORKS          Seeks and Indexing comments.                       | |A|M| |
NG MODE           Un-documented Norton(r) Guide Mode.                | | |M| |
NOSNOW()          Returns lState, not NIL.                           |D| | | |
OPEN ERROR(0)     Potential Fix.                                     | | |M|*|
PRINT             Miscellaneous Comments.                            | | |M|*|
PICTURE           Comments on 5.01's PICTURE clause.                 | | |M| |
PROMPT MESSAGE    Comments on usage.                                 |D|A| | |
RANGE             Not verified unless 'get' is changed.              | | |M| |
RESTORE           Problem with change to higher level privates.      | |A| | |
RESTSCREEN()      Undocumented defaults.                             |D| | | |
RMAKE >           Omit spaces when re-directing error output.        | |A| | |
REINDEX           Does not re-create index file header.              | | |M| |
REPLICATE         Maximum string length is 65516 characters.         |D| |M|*|
REPORT FORM       Anomalies with Report forms.                       | |A| | |
RESERVED WORDS    Comments on reserved words.                        | | |M| |
RL                Use with caution.                                  | |A| | |
ROUND()           Returns unpredictable results.                     | |A| | |
RTLINK/DESQVIEW   Undocumented parameters.                           |D| | |*|
SAVESCREEN()      Undocumented defaults.                             |D| | | |
SCREEN            Misc. SETMODE(), SETBLINK(), SETCOLOR()            | | |M| |
SET()             Missing Documentation.                             |D| | | |
SET CLIPPER       SET CLIPPER syntax and notes                       | |A|M|*|
SET COLOUR        Incorrect syntax in STD.CH.                        | |A| | |
SWAPPATH          60 Character limit.                                |D| | | |
TBROWSE           Miscellaneous Comments                             | | |M|*|
TEMPPATH          60 Character limit.                                |D| | | |
TEXT*             TO PRINTER _or_ TO FILE                            |D| | | |
TYPE()            Comments on Clipper 5.0 return values.             |A| |M| |
TYPEAHEAD         Typeahead cannot be set in the 1 to 15 range.      | |A| | |
\SOURCE\SYS       Comments on \CLIPPER5\SOURCE\SYS\ Files.           | | |M| |

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson